This column highlights some of the more notable recent internet notices, newsletters and blogs dealing with IP prosecution issues.
Hal Wegner’s email newsletter – some great stuff – Contact: Hal’s blog is also available at
- On August 4, 2014, Hal discussed the pendency statistics for the USPTO.
- Hal’s August 12, 2014 post proposed a rule change regarding tolling the response period for pending petitions.
- On August 17, 2014, Hal remarked regarding the ability to arrange in-person examiner interviews under the USPTO’s “telework” system where examiners work from home.
- Priority examination and whether it is usually desirable is the topic of Hal’s August 28, 2014 post
Further discussion of the topic is presented in his August 29, 2014 post
IPWatchdog – a patents and patent law blog
- An August 13, 2014 article announced that the USPTO seeks public input to determine optimal first action and total pendency target levels.
- The September 7, 2014 post discusses Professor Mark Lemley’s views on the law relevant to software patenting.
Patently-O – a blog written by Dennis Crouch –
- In the September 3, 2014 post, Andrew Williams discusses litigation prosecution bars and proceedings bfore the Patent Trial and Appeals Board.
- On August 4, 2014 Professor Crouch discussed the PTAB backlog problem.
- Professor Crouch discussed accelerating ex parte PTAB appeals on August 21, 2014.
Miscellaneous –
- TThe Chisum Patent Academy holds an upcoming patent law seminar on March 5-6,
2015 (Cincinnati, Ohio). There are a possible 12 CLE credits for this seminar.
More info here. - On October 2, 2014 the law firm of McDonnell Boehnen Julbert & Berghoff
LLP will present a webinar on “USPTO Guidance for Determining Subject Matter Eligibility In View of U.S. Supreme Court’s Mayo and Myriad Decisions.”
Register here. - Third Annual Naples Midwinter Patent Experts Conference, the Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club, February 7-10, 2015, Naples, Florida, under auspices of the Akron Law IP Program. For conference information, contact Shannon F. Aupprele here.
For more information about any of the patent topics mentioned consult Patent Application Practice. Trademark topics are discussed in Trademark Registration Practice. Both are published by West and updated twice a year. For litigation questions, contact Fred Douglas at 949/293-0442 or by email at